Wednesday, March 26, 2025
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Here we highlight some of the fun, entertainment and outrageous sports news.

Calcutta cup

Random Rugby Facts

Every sport has its myths, legends and seemingly impossible facts and the glorious sport of rugby is no different. Even its origins are not entirely corroborated, although the legend goes that the sport started when young William Webb Ellis picked...

5 Most Incredible Sporting Comeback Stories

Sportsmen and women are heroes just for the diligence, discipline and fitness they exude by partaking in professional sports. However there are some sporting heroes that have the most incredible stories of fighting life-threatening illnesses and accidents only to...

10 Lottery Wins You Won’t Believe

You have most likely heard all sorts of stories about jackpot winners, both good and bad. Here are some of the best stories we've found. Unbelievable Lottery Wins 1. Brits Win $5 Million Lottery Jackpot But Lose Their Ticket Martyn and Kay Tott...
soccer world cup 2010

Best Soccer World Cup Moments in History

The countdown has begun to the 21st Football World Cup, running 14 June to 15 July in Russia, and the world will be watching as history is made. It is a wonderful global platform to showcase the indomitable spirit...

The Most Gorgeous Soccer Fans

The most revered sport internationally is awash with glitz and glamour, attracting skilled sports’ stars, lots of money, and millions of fans. And, while soccer is certainly not watched exclusively for the fans, they do add a lot of...
Rod Snow

The Worst Rugby Brawls

It’s a brutal game with hard hits, aggression and general non-stop physical contact all while trying to put points on the board. Inevitably, rugby games will deteriorate into a complete brawl at times…and here are a few of the...

Better with Age: Why Sports Start Play for Longer

At the time of writing this article Roger Federer has just won his 20th Grand Slam title and is currently ranked number 2 in the world, he is 36 years old. In the women’s game, you have Serena Williams...

Worst Sports’ Uniforms

Tactical manoeuvres, precision scoring and other-worldly talent should dominate the various sporting arenas, fields and pitches. Unfortunately for some, the ill-informed decisions made by marketing executives overshadow the beauty of the game, resulting in some truly ghastly outfits that...

5 Tributes to Sports’ Heroes that Went Wrong

With so many sports’ heroes elevated to god-like status, it’s not surprising that the globe is peppered with statues, in various sizes, materials and colour, replicating these goal-scoring, team-dominating professionals. However, art being the subjective medium that it is,...

World 15: Hottest Rugby Wives and Girlfriends

With the rugby world cup kicking off we thought we would put together the World of Rugby Players wives and girlfriends. 15 Hottest Wives of Rugby Laura Dundovic Quade Cooper’s gorgeous girlfriend, Laura Dundovic is an actress and model who won Miss...


Western & Southern Open Bet Preview

Western & Southern Open Bet Preview Cincinnati - 16th – 22nd August 2021 The US hard court swing is in full flow on both the ATP...

Golf: KLM Open Bet Preview